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•      Originality of the Work
It is the duty and responsibility of the author(s) to ensure that they submit their own original work for publication. In no manner or in any form should the content be plagiarized. Plagiarism is unethical, wrong, and not at all accepted by Lex Valorem: Indian Journal of Law and Contemporary issues. In case of any plagiarism, the Journal shall not be liable for the same.
•      Acknowledgment and Proper Citation of Work
In case the author(s) is/are relying on some other person’s work to interpret or research a specific topic in their submission, proper footnoting should be done to give due acknowledgment/credit to the original authors. Unpublished words attributed to a person other than the author(s) should not be used in the submission without the consent of such person.
•         Multiple Submissions/Publications
Author(s) is/are bound to ensure that the manuscript submitted is original and unpublished at the time of submission, and are not simultaneously under consideration elsewhere. Submitting the same manuscript for multiple publications, or submitting the manuscript simultaneously to different publishers is an unethical publishing practice.
•         Authorship of the Work
The authorship of the work should be limited to those who have made a significant and substantial contribution to the writing, researching, and interpretation of the topic. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Author(s) is/are required to submit only the final version of their manuscript after it has been duly edited and consented to by all the authors.

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Lex Valorem: Lex Valorem respects the Intellectual Property Rights of the original Authors. You are thereby requested to submit the ONLY original manuscript of which you have complete rights. Any kind of Plagiarism, being a serious offense, will not be tolerated by Lex Valorem: Lex Valorem. It is our policy, as per the Copyright Act, to respond to notices of claimed copyright infringement submitted by rights owners in accordance with the notice and takedown procedures. In case any plagiarized content is published by mistake by Lex Valorem: Lex Valorem, then the same shall be taken down with immediate effect. In case of any inadvertent plagiarism, the Authors shall be solely responsible for the acts.


 Copyright Agreement Form: The Copyright Agreement form should be submitted once your article has been accepted for publication. Manuscripts cannot be published without this form. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining signatures of coauthors.

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The Editorial Board is duty-bound to thoroughly evaluate the manuscripts submitted for publication. The members of the Board have to ensure that the work submitted should add to the existing available literature and knowledge of a subject/topic, and provide educational knowledge of value to the readers, at the same time complying with the guidelines and the scope of the Journal.

The submissions must be reviewed ensuring no bias and full impartiality on part of the editorial team. The work submitted must be evaluated without any regard to the gender, religion, caste, creed, and nationality of the author(s).

Confidentiality of Submissions

The manuscripts submitted for consideration of the Editorial Board shall be treated as confidential documents. The members of the Editorial Board must not reveal any information about a submitted document to anyone other than the author(s), reviewers, and the publisher, as suitable.

Disclosure of Interest

No member of the Editorial Board will review any submission in case they have a relation or connection with the author(s). Any conflict of interest arising, due to the editor(s) being themselves interested in the publication of a particular paper, has to be disclosed by the editor himself/herself and he/she shall recuse from the evaluation process.

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Lex Valorem; Indian Journal of Law and Contemporary issues follows an open-access model. The manuscripts published in the Journal can be accessed on the website without any subscription cost. Readers are free to read, download, print, or redistribute the material in any medium or format, under the following terms:


1. You must give appropriate credit to the author(s)/Journal

2. You must not use material for commercial purposes

Note: The contributions presented to and accepted for publication, and the copyrights therein shall be the intellectual property of Lex Valorem: Indian Journal of Law and Contemporary issues. However, the moral rights of the work shall remain vested in the authors.

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